Bongino to Democrats: ‘I’m Really Tired of Your Crap’ on Gun Control

‘I’m really tired of your crap on this!’


BONGINO: "Well, first on the gun control thing; you know, I’m -- I'm really tired of this. You know, when did my rights come into question? And let me give a pro tip to the Democrats out there: I’m really tired of your crap on this. OK? Stop talking to us like we’re a bunch of gun-toting rednecks because, you know, I have kids too. I have -- I have two young daughters. You think it doesn’t bother me as a dad and a former law enforcement officer the idea that me or my family could be subject to one of these savage animals? You know, why are we paying with our rights --"
KILMEADE: "Right."
BONGINO: "-- every time? People like me. It’s a tool, Steve; a firearm is a tool. I’m not John J. Rambo."

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