Noah to Vegas: I Am Sorry that There Are People Who Will Put a Gun Before Your Lives

‘I can’t give you thoughts and prayers, I can only say that I’m sorry’

NOAH: "So just to keep track of the argument. Mass shooting, mass shooting, mass shooting, mass shooting, mass shooting, mass shooting, we have to take care of this hotel check in issue. Oh, and by the way, just to give you an idea of how far away America is from actual gun control, this week Congress is going to vote onçó deregulating gun silencers. Because I guess Congress is thinking gun violence is out of control, how can we make it quieter, yeah, how can we do that. So the people of Las Vegas, I can't give you thoughts and prayers, I can only say that I'm sorry. Sorry that we live in a world where there are people who will put a gun before your lives. And the story will develop over time, and we'll keep on it." 

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