Rep. Castro: ‘I Stand By My Answer’ that People from Trump’s Team May Go To Jail

‘Obviously if the reports are true about what we’ve heard from what may happen with Paul Manafort, then there’s one case there’

MATTHEWS: "Of course the opposite party was in charge during Clinton's problems too. Seems to work that way. Let me look at two things you've said about the entual outcome of this investigation. The first statement was in April and the second in July. Let's take a look at two of the thing you've said about this."
BLITZER: "Have you seen any hard evidence of collusion yet?" 
CASTRO: "I guess I would say this. That my impression is, I wouldn't be surprised after all of this is said and done that some people end up in jail." 
CASTRO: "When I gave that answer, I was speaking not only of the possibility of collusion but also based on everything I've seen, possible obstruction or coverup or other things. And so I stand by that answer." 
MATTHEWS: "Well here we are all these months later. It's late September. Where are you on that? Do you want to update what you said there?" 
CASTRO: "I stand by my answer. And obviously if the reports are true about what we've heard from what may happen with Paul Manafort, then there's one case there. And the obstruction of justice question is still one that needs."

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