‘The View’: Trump ‘Needs to Admit He’s the Reason We’re Seeing the Racial Divide’

‘The KKK has been you know terrorizing my community for centuries’


HOSTIN: "I had never heard of it. My understanding is that it doesn’t have a leader or headquarters. It's not an organized group. I don’t think you could compare this Antifa movement with the KKK. The KKK has been, you know, terrorizing my community for centuries. So this false equivalency that there’s something on both sides is ridiculous. I really think if Donald Trump wants to say anything about racism, he has to first talk about his being complicit in that. Because he ran a campaign based on racial resistance and fear. His campaign was for angry white people. He talked about Mexicans being rapists. He talked about a Gold Star Muslim family. He talked about black people. He talked about — he has participated in housing discrimination. So anything that he says, for me it needs to start with the birther movement — he needs to admit that he’s the reason we’re seeing this racial divide in our country."

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