Chris Hayes: ‘Sea Level Rise Is Caused Primarily by Climate Change’

‘You have been an advocate for adapation to the fact that we should clear, sea level rise is caused primarily by climate change, though not exclusively’

HAYES: "You have been an advocate for adapation to the fact that we should clear, sea level rise is caused primarily by climate change, though not exclusively, that you can adapt here. This is a place that was almost leveled right after it sort of first boomeded. I think it was ‘26, the hurricane took out much of it and it came back."
LEVINE: "Miami beach has a history of resilience. We’ve been raising in roads, putting in pumps. In areas that used to be understood water are dry. We’re going to do this to our city. We’re spending $500 million to do it. People say what happens in 50 years? I believe in innovation. The same way you’re having a satellite direct feed on this show you couldn’t imagine 50 years ago, you can’t imagine what they’ll do to make cities resilient."

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