Michael Eric Dyson: Trump Is ‘Pimping America’s White Working Class’
DYSON: "You are just a big old liar. You are just timid, and got no courage. And I think it might be pimping, going on. In thing America's white working class, making them leave you or their friend. You are no friend to poor people. I am almost done, when I go to the airport and get on the people mover. It says, if you want to stand still, go to the right, and if you want to move, go to the left. I am telling you today, if you want to stand still, go to the right wing, go to bigotry and hate, go to the nest is that you see. If you want to lift yourself up, moved further to the left. Embrace those whose facts are against the law. And I will end by telling you this, I am a preacher, in the gospel tradition. My bible tells me that on the last day, the last Trump will sound. I am waiting on the real Trump, when that Trump sounds, justice will prevail. Love will prevail. And the god almighty will raise up. That is the Trump I am waiting on."