Kat Timpf: ‘The GOP — They Don’t Even Know Who They Are Anymore’

‘There’s a couple of people that are still actually believing in free market solutions in the GOP and a couple people that are actually Democrats, they’re essentially Democrats’


TIMPF: "It's just ridiculous. It's just blaimng all over the place. I don't think they're going to be able to get anything done. The GOP don't know who they are any more. This health care bill, the best they could do, it was a liberal bill, it wasn't a conservative bill. It was a bail out plan. There's a couple of people that are still actually believing in free market solutions in the GOP and a couple people that are actually Democrats, they're essentially Democrats. I don't think they're going to be able to come together on anything. I don't see it happening, no matter how much time they have. They've resorted to blaming each other which is a great use of my tax dollars, I'm so glad I'm paying these people. Hooray."

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