Jerry Brown Blames Dem Governor Losses on the Koch Brothers

‘The barrage, the relentless drumbeat of opposition, it’s been well-financed by the Koch brothers, that’s been relentless’

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BROWN: "Number of factors. Certainly the Republicans had something to do with it. The barrage, the relentless drum beat of opposition, it’s been well-financed by the Koch brothers, that’s been relentless. The affordable care act was suddenly very new, that became a big problem. And I think also just the historic turn when Lyndon Johnson won over Goldwater. People were writing, and I read it at the time, that the Republican Party was gone. And then it comes back, and the Democratic Party comes back. So the nature of our business is that swing of the pendulum, and it’s definitely already swinging back toward a non-republican kind of future."

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