CNN’s Stelter: ‘The News Feels Like One Long Disturbing Episode of Political Survivor Starring Pres. Trump’

‘Even with new Chief of Staff, John Kelly, nothing will change unless the president changes’

STELTER: "Hey, I’m Brian Stelter. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and all around the world. This is RELIABLE SOURCES, our weekly look at the story behind the story, of how the media really works and how the news gets made. And lately, the news feels like one long disturbing episode of political survivor starring President Trump. Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus are out. But for now, Steve Bannon, Jeff Sessions and Robert Mueller are all still in. And the consensus on Sunday’s political talk shows is that nothing will change. Even with new chief of staff, John Kelly, nothing will change unless the president changes. If nothing else, Trump is a reliable source of news. Consider all of the stories that could have been our lead this hour. We could have led with the fallout from all of his Twitter attacks against his own attorney general, or the Boy Scouts expressing regret for his uncomfortable speech at the jamboree earlier this week, or the government’s lack of answers after Trump’s surprise tweets saying transgender shoulders will no longer be allowed to serve in any capacity, or what about the condemnations from police departments after he appeared to publicly endorse police brutality the other day, or the story that will take up entire chapters of Trump history books. That’s the week’s worth of GOP failures to repeal Obamacare."

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