Steny Hoyer: GOP Bill Is Not a ‘Skinny Repeal in Terms of the Adverse Impact’

‘CBO says immediately 16 million people are going to lose their insurance’


HOYER: "But this is not a skinny repeal in terms of the adverse impact it’s going to have on millions of Americans. CBO says immediately 16 million people are going to lose their insurance. But, millions and millions more are going to see their premiums substantially increased, even those that have employer-based insurance. So, the impact here is going to be very substantial. But what it indicates is it’s certainly not repeal, either. It’s what the Republicans, after seven years of trying to put something together, the only thing that they have been able to put together that may pass the Senate. I hope it doesn’t pass the Senate. Very frankly, I would be surprised if Rand Paul votes for this, who said he was for repeal. This is not repeal and I would be surprised if more moderate senators, who are very worried about the impact in their states and on people, would vote for this." 

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