Schiff: Mueller Needs to Look at Trump’s Finances, Russians May Be Influencing

‘The Russians may have laundered money through the Trump organization’

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JOHN DICKERSON: And welcome back to "Face the Nation." We want to continue our conversation with Congressman Adam Schiff. Congressman, you are a former prosecutor. What did you make of the president's comments to the New York Times that he thought it would be a violation if the special counsel went looking into his finances?

ADAM SCHIFF: Well, I had a couple impressions. First, the president is clearly worried that Bob Mueller's going to be looking into allegations, for example, that the Russians may have laundered money through the Trump organization. That is really something in my opinion he needs to look at. Because what concerns me the most is anything that could be held over the president's head that could influence U.S. policy. That would be among the most powerful form of kompromat. So I think it is something he needs to look at. It's something plainly the president is very concerned about but clearly within the scope of Bob Mueller's investigation. And I'll say this in light of all the talk about Jeff Sessions lately. It does concern me that the president should bring this up now if it's an indication that he wants to somehow push Sessions out and get in a new attorney general who would then take Rod Rosenstein's place as supervising the Mueller investigation. If this is part of a longer-term stratagem to define or confine the scope of the Mueller investigation, that would be very concerning.

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