Jim Jordan: We Need To Do What We Promised, Repeal and Replace ObamaCare

‘It’s about keeping our word and helping those families who are currently hurting under ObamaCare’


JORDAN: "Those are the same people who said ObamaCare was going to be wonderful and we've seen what that's done. There's been three elections where this was a central issue and the American people elected us to do something. It's not a strategy. It's not about politics here. Lie ma Ohio I remember the first time he said do what you said you would do in this business. That's what we have to focus on. It's not about politics. It's not about strategy. It's about keeping our word and helping those families who are currently hurting under ObamaCare, the same law when it was passed we were told nine different things it all turned out to be false. Remember this Ike your plan keep your plan, remember your doctor R -- we were even told this website was going to work when it was rolled out."


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