Bolton: JCPOA Doesn’t ‘Constrain’ Iran from Getting a Nuke, It’s a ‘Big Highway’ to Getting One

‘Our allies are upset, because we don’t like the deal’


BOLTON: "No, actually I think the President knows exactly what he wants to do, and I think it is time for the rest of the bureaucracy to get with the program and make decisions. It is not to say, 'Well, we were troubled by the implications of it.' The President should make a decision and say to the bureaucracy, 'You carry out a diplomatic campaign, you speak with your military counterparts, you speak with your intelligence counterparts.' We will do this, because right now, this deal does not constrain Iran from getting nuclear weapons. It’s a big highway to allow them to do it, and not in 10 years when the deal expires but right now. There is a lot of intelligence we do not have. We do not know, for example, how much cooperation Iran is engaged in with North Korea, although I suspect it is a lot. We know where North Korea is, and every day that goes by in a proliferation context, benefits the proliferator. Six months into the administration, it is time for decisive action."

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