Vogel: Sixth Person in Trump Jr. Meeting Is Russian Translator Who Worked with State Dept.

‘His name is Anatoli Samochornov’

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VOGEL: "Yeah, absolutely. We can confirm that that person was a translator for Natalia veselnitskaya. His name is Anatoli Samochornov. That's confirmed to us. The translator had worked with veselnitskaya over the years including on this effort to overturn the Magnitsky Act which again was a priority of no less than Vladimir Putin. Interestingly this translator had also worked as a contract we are the United States state Department doing translation and interpretation services. So in all of these things, the lines are kind of blurry as to is this person -- you know, is this person acting on behalf of Putin, are they pro Russian or are they -- you know, are they pro United States? It's sort of anti-Russian. Same thing can be said of rinat akhmetshin. We talked to a number of folks who have worked with him who say this guy is as American as apple pie. He's very skeptical of Putin. Nonetheless, here he is. Here this translator is in the meeting pushing for a top priority of Vladimir Putin."
TUR: "Ken, did you just break some news on the program?"
VOGEL: "I think the name of the translator has not been out there as confirmed having in that meeting."
TUR: "Remind us his name again."
VOGEL: "His name is Anatoli Samochornov." 

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