CNN’s Paul Callan on Trump Jr.: ‘Absurd to Say This Could Be Treason’

‘I think we have to hesitate before we jump to the conclusion that this is criminal as opposed to political stupidity’


CALLAN: “I -- I think this is really going to be one of the most important documents that -- that Mueller looks at, who is doing this investigation. Because it’s the first time we see a clear link to the Russian government in that; the e-mail suggests that this lawyer who’s going to have the meeting has been designated by the Russian government, and that there are official Russian documents linked to the crown prosecutor of Russia that may incriminate Hillary Clinton. So all of that is suggestive of now a direct link to the Russians, but I think we have to hesitate before we jump to the conclusion that this is criminal as opposed to political stupidity. Because there’s nothing in American law that I’m aware of that would prohibit a candidate from accepting damaging information, even from an enemy foreign government, to use against a political opponent. And I think it’s — I -- I really think it’s absurd to say this could be treason." 

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