Rep. Meeks: ‘I Have Real Concerns’ About Trump’s Presidency and His ‘Lack of Seriousness’

‘I think President Trump needs to confront him about Russia’s involvement in our Democrat process’


CAMEROTA: "It doesn’t sound like either of those will happen. Just from the intelligence that we’ve gotten out of the administration, it doesn’t sound like those are the top priorities. In fact, it sounds like President Trump will talk to Russia about their cooperation with Syria and fighting ISIS, that’s what they say is the at the top of their list."
MEEKS: "Which is a problem which gives me serious concerns, because when you see the President even at the White House when he had the foreign minister there, he did not let American reporters in. It was only reported by Russians, seems to me, and then they were joking he gave away some top secret information. So I have real concerns, that’s why I have concerns about President Trump’s presidency and his lack of seriousness that the whole world is looking at."

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