Fox News Montage: CNN in a Frenzy over Trump’s WWE Tweet

It’s scary for CNN colleagues who have already faced threats

ACOSTA: "We have to stand up to this. This kind of rhetoric, this kind of behavior is going to lead to a journalist being hurt."
NAVARRO: "It is an incitement to violence. He’s going to get somebody killed in the media. Maybe that will stop him."
BERNSTEIN: "It’s not just anti-CNN. It’s anti-freedom of the press, it's anti-freedom of speech."
STELTER: "On one level, it might be clever, but then there's the other level where it’s scary. It’s scary for CNN colleagues who have already faced threats."
HIMES: "Every other president has understood that the First Amendment and freedom of the press is — the First Amendment for a reason. Media is an important thing. Dictators attack the media."
STELTER: "Is this president trying to impersonate Hugo Chavez, Erdogan, Vladimir Putin? Because this is exactly the kind of language that leaders use when they are trying to undermine the press."

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