David Catanese: Trump’s Tweets About the Media Are Not Helpful in Getting the Hard Stuff Done

‘When you are struggling with the rest of your agenda, which he is right now, you go back to what is safe’

CATANESE: "I think it helps him with the Republicans in that room, they eat it up. The Republican base does not like the media, it is why President Trump continues to go back to it. We are an easy foil for him to wrap against, when you are struggling with the rest of your agenda, which he is right now, you go back to what is safe, what is easy, what works for him during the presidential campaign, that is why I think he is continuing to do that. I don’t think it is helpful to get the hard stuff done, policy, health care. We are talking about in the earlier segment how much time the president tweets on other topics. Here’s another platform he had and what are we talking about? He didn’t use the speech to twist arms on health care legislation or talk about policy or tax cuts, he talked about the media. And we as the media, we love a story about ourselves just as much as the Oscar loves movies about Hollywood. When he talks about the media, we are going to cover it for better or for worse."

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