Hugh Hewit: ‘I Don’t Think’ We Have a ‘Deep State’

‘I don’t think we do’

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HEWITT: "For a long time, popular culture has loved your business. Whether it’s the novels of — I brought along the most recent Daniel silver movie, “House of silver.” But whether it’s spy games or three days at the condors, up to “Homeland” now and “24,” there’s a popular culture that thinks they understand what goes on. And they get used to the idea of being rogue elements in a deep state. I personally don’t use the term deep state, because there are countries that unfortunately have a deep state, and I don’t think we do. But do you trust, around the table, that that what you say here stays here?" 
POMPEO: "I do. I mean, it’s that simple. The men and women who sign up to sacrifice, to work at the central intelligence agency are, with a handful of exceptions, patriots, aimed at lawfully doing what it is that the president directs them to do. And I’ve been here now 152 days and every person that I’ve met has been singularly focused on serving President Trump, on serving America, on doing their job in a way that has elan and professionalism and with expertness that will serve our country incredibly well."

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