Colbert: Trump Has Put Himself in a ‘Fight Club’ Situation with His Alibis in Firing of Comey
COLBERT: "It’s really weird for the President to even blame Rod Rosenstein, because remember what Trump told Lester Holt — “
[clip starts]
TRUMP: “Regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey. I decided to just do it. I said to myself, I said, 'You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story.'”
[clip ends]
COLBERT: “So, if Trump says he decided to fire Comey, and Trump says Rod Rosenstein told Trump to fire Comey, that means Trump is Rod Rosenstein! It’s a Fight Club situation! It’s Fight Club! They’re the same guy! I’ve never seen them on camera together. They’re the same guy. That explains why Trump can’t stop punching himself in the face. But once again, sir, the first rule of Fight Club is 'Don’t talk about it.'”