Jay Sekulow: We Have Not Been Notified that Trump Is Under Investigation

‘I want to be clear on this yesterday because I was on with your friend Chris Wallace, and he was pushing me hard on this’

SEKULOW: "Look, Bob Mueller has a sterling reputation in Washington, D.C. When it comes to the individual lawyers that he’s named to his staff if there were conflicts, we would raise conflicts. They do that in a normal course if there’s a question about someone. If there is actually that kind of communication taking place, you would evaluate. But right now, I think the focus has to be on what we know has happened. And what we know is that James Comey when he testifies confirmed that — he told the president on three separate occasions he was not under investigation regarding this Russian probe. That’s number one. Number two, the actions the president took regarding the removal of James Comey from office after consultation with others in a deliberative process, which is what presidents do, is not based on which an obstruction case could be based constitutionally. So, again, rather than getting into the individual lawyers, Mueller has a solid reputation, sterling reputation. But what we will do as the lawyers in this case will argue facts and developments if they were to come. If they come. But right now — I want to be clear on this yesterday because I was on with your friend Chris Wallace, and he was pushing me hard on this. Is there an investigation? And I went back and watched the tape. And his first question is have you been notified of an investigation. And the answer as I said yes is “No.”

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