Katie Pavlich: The Theme of the Day Has Been Unity

‘In terms of whether it is long-term, unfortunately it seems that a lot of members are pessimistic’


PAVLICH: “Clearly the theme of the day has been unity, and I think it’s important to point out that Republicans were targeted because of who they are and because of what they believe in, the ideas and policies that they have pushed forward. Unity doesn’t mean that Republicans and Democrats have to agree. It simply means they have to make better arguments about their policies rather than going to a lazy debate, quite frankly, about dehumanizing their opponents, talking to each other like they're enemies who can’t come together on these issues. Democrats are now inviting Republicans over to the Democratic club to have dinner. I think they're reaching out across the aisle. But in terms of whether it is long-term, unfortunately it seems that a lot of the members are pessimistic about whether this unity theme can continue.”

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