Hannity: ‘Former FBI Director J. Edgar Comey Has Been Exposed for What He Really Is, a Snake’

‘That is what we learned from his testimony’

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HANNITY: "We will have much more on the massive media credibility crisis but first, former FBI director J. Edgar Comey has been exposed for what he really is. A snake who has slithered his way to Washington, D.C., and the swamp for decades. That is tonight important opening monologue. That is what we learned from his testimony, he has a cunning calculated, manipulated and self-serving political operative who is out for revenge after getting fired by President Trump for his graceful behavior as the head of the FBI. We will lay out Comey’s possible criminal conduct and at the many double standards. I have to testify under oath that the president and members of the Trump Administration never asked him to stop the Russian investigation. James Comey still claimed an alleged conversation with President Trump about lieutenant general Michael Flynn left him so troubled. Which prompted Democrat Dianne Feinstein to ask this very important question."


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