Chris Wallace: ‘Politically’ Comey Testimony ‘Very Damaging’ to Trump
WALLACE: "My guess is when Marc Kasowitz, the President’s lawyer comes out sometime between 1:30 and 2:00 today, he’s going to declare victory and say Comey cleared Trump. And in a legal sense, you could say that he did. Politically, I thought it was very damaging to the President. As has been pointed out by Shannon, repeatedly, James Comey called the President a liar, said that he lied about the FBI was in disarray, that he defamed him and the FBI, said that the reason he kept those kinds of notes in the first place is that he thought that this was the kind of man who would lie about those kinds of things. It’s not good stuff to have said on national television. And as been noted before, I think the strongest point about Flynn and why it what was so improper what the President said about Flynn in that Oval Office meeting on February 14th, as you said, why on earth would you kick out the Attorney General, the Vice President, and the Chief of Staff if it was going to be something innocent? That was a very strong evidence."