Colbert to Putin: Nice Try, But It’s Trump’s Job to Confuse Americans with Conspiracy Theories

‘Nice try, Vlad, but I will not stand by while you try to confuse the American people with bull(bleep) conspiracy theories’

COLBERT: "So now the evidence that Russia tried to manipulate the election is pretty strong to everyone but the guy who did it, Vladimir Putin. So, on Sunday, he appeared on Megyn Kelly's new Sunday night news show, "Sixty Minutes of Megyn Kelly." And when it came to who really was behind the election tampering, Putin's explanation relied on what's called Occam's razor, because the whole thing makes me want to cut my wrists. Jim?"
PUTIN Translator [clip]: "There's a theory that Kennedy's assassination was arranged by the United States intelligence services. So if this theory is correct-- and that can't be ruled out-- then what could be easier in this day and age than using all the technical means at the disposal of the intelligence services and using those means to organize some attacks and then pointing the finger at Russia?"
COLBERT: "Nice try, Vlad, but I will not stand by while you try to confuse the American people with bull(bleep) conspiracy theories. That is Donald Trump's job. Meanwhile-- no, I won't take it!"

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