Conan: Most Kids Outgrow Trump’s Vocabulary By the Time They’re Eleven

‘They did find that kids are bullying each other now with Donald Trump’s words’

CONAN:"Everyone talk about the Trump influence, how he's influencing society. Now they say his influence is spreading to children, he's affecting children now. A new study -- very nice, by the way. That was very good. Except this guy is like -- it won't cure me! A new study just came out and it found that school children are using Donald Trump's words to bully other children. That's what they said, yeah. In fact, at my kid's school, I overheard one little boy call another kid, the mayor of London. That's what he actually said. The kid was crying, I am not! You are too! You're the mayor of London! Pretty rough. It was true, they did find that kids are bullying each other now with Donald Trump's words. The good news is most kids outgrow Trump's vocabulary by the time they're 11. You move through it."

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