Kimmel: If You Really Want to Know If It’s a Travel Ban or Not, Just Read Trump’s Tweet

‘It was a travel ban all along’

KIMMEL: "You know how the Trump Administration kept insisting that his travel ban wasn't a travel ban. They've been saying this for months? Well, at 6:25 this morning the president weighed in on that himself. He wrote, "People, the lawyers and the courts can call it whatever they want but I am calling it what we need, and what it is, a travel ban." It's like the last five minutes of an episode of "Law & Order: SVU" where the murderer tells Mariska Hargitay everything. It was a travel ban all along. But here's the thing. It's very simple to follow if you really want to follow it. On the campaign trail it was banned. When the president signed it, it wasn't a ban. When he was asked about what he signed, it was a ban. When the courts challenged it, it wasn't a ban. And then when he tweeted about it from the bathroom this morning, it was a ban again. Okay? He's been very consistent on this."

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