Clapper: Russia Will Be ‘Emboldened to Continue’ Interference in Our Elections

‘This is a serious problem all Americans should be concerned about’


CLAPPER: "So in addition to the hacking that got all the attention, was very sophisticated, slick propaganda efforts principally through RT, a government funded — Russian government funded entity, their use of trolls to seed social media with erroneous information and many other outlets either wittingly or unwittingly picked this up. Across the board, the aggressiveness in this campaign was unprecedented. I think American citizens should be very concerned about a foreign government, particularly our primary adversary, interfering with the most important, foundational processes we have in this country, which is free and fair elections. That is a serious, serious affront. If there’s ever been a clarion call for vigilance, this is it. As I said before, the Russians can only be chortling about this, and they are going to be further emboldened to continue this interference in our political process. This is a serious problem that all Americans should be concerned about."

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