Karl Rove: Mick Mulvaney Is ‘Absolutely Right’; Why Trust the CBO’s Numbers?

‘How can 23 million people lose their insurance coverage if ObamaCare is repealed when only less than 11 million have gotten coverage under ObamaCare?’

ROVE: "Here are the CBO estimates for what enrollment will be this year starting in February of 2013. At 26 million people will be enrolled this year. The next year they said 24, they repeated that in March of 2015 and in March of last year, they said 15 million people will be enrolled in ObamaCare as a result of the law. What was the reality? The actual number is just over 10 million. They overestimated by 16 million or 260 percent in 2013, 14 million in 2014 or 2015 or 240 percent more and one year ago, they overestimated by 150 percent, they were half again as many people estimated to be on ObamaCare as are actually on ObamaCare. Nick Mulvaney is absolutely right, why trust their numbers?"

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