Kasich Goes on ‘The View’ to Trash Obama’s Tax Cut Plan

‘Honestly, I think the rich are doing pretty well’


KASICH: “We do have a big gulf between the rich and the poor. So we need to bring down the corporate taxes, because people are stashing their money in Europe. We need the money back here. But secondly there’s a tax cut for small business. (Applause) There is also a tax cut for small business.”
BEHAR: “That’s right.”
KASICH: “But honestly, I think the rich are doing pretty well, and I would —“
GOLDBERG: “And have been for a long time.”
KASICH: “I’d kind of like tax cuts being directed at the middle class and the working core.”
HOSTIN: “Yep.” [crosstalk]
KASICH: “And the other taxes, you know, especially for small businesses and we bring those down, we will have more jobs and people will be able to go to work.”
BEHAR: “But you know, it’s ironic —“ [crosstalk]
KASICH: “Let’s don’t worry about the top. It’s 1 percent.”

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