Trump: ‘We Must Build a Coalition of Partners’ to Stamp out Extremism

‘I urged our friends in the Muslim world to join us in creating stability, safety, and security’


TRUMP: "Change must come from within. It can only come from within. No mother or father wants their children to grow up in a world where terrorists roam free, school children are murdered and their loved ones are taken. No child is born with prejudice in their heart. No one should teach young boys and girls to hate and to kill. No civilized nation can tolerate the massacre of innocence with chemical weapons. My message to that summit was the same message I have for you. We must build a coalition of partners who share the aim of stamping out extremism and violence and providing our children a peaceful and hopeful future, but a hopeful future for children in the Middle East requires the world to fully recognize the vital role of the state of Israel."

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