Zakaria: Trump’s Tweet that He Taped Comey Is ‘Bullshit’

‘By any normal standard this would be considered a total breach of political decorum’

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ZAKARIA: "You know, by any normal standard this would be considered a total breach of political decorum, of constitutional decorum, the president of the United States not just threatening the director of the FBI but it seems as though from multiple versions he was asking the director of the FBI in private dinners to, a, give him assurances that he, the president, was not a target of an investigation, B, having a we’re conversation about quid pro quo, staying on as FBI director for some assurances. One doesn’t know where to begin detailing the impropriety. As far as the taping and the threat, as I’ve said for a long time, to people who think Donald Trump is actually taping, that tweet is like so much of what he does. It’s nonsense. It’s what I’ve called bullshit. Does anyone really think that Donald Trump is actually taping? No. This is not Richard Nixon. There’s a great line in history, Karl Marx who says history repeats itself. The first is tragedy, the second time is farce. This is the farcical version of Watergate where the guy says “I’ve got a tape” and he’s got nothing in his hands."


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