Mark Levin on Comey Firing: Trump Did What Obama Had No Courage To Do

‘The president of the United States did exactly the right thing’


LEVIN: "Sean, the two big left-wing senators from Maryland went to his confirmation hearing, introduced him and urged the committee to support him for deputy attorney general. This man comes into the Justice Department, he hears what Schumer has said, he hears what Clinton has said, and he has seen with his own eyes what Comey did. Then he watches Comey’s testimony the week before, last week, which Comey doubles down on his outrageous behavior, and what happens? He writes a memo to the Attorney General and says, 'Mr. Attorney General, this director of the FBI — I have to deal with him, he's my direct report. I don’t trust him. He needs to go.' The President of the United States in the end did exactly the right thing. He did what Barack Obama didn’t have the courage to do, which is to remove an FBI director that didn’t have the temperament to be an FBI director."

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