Mook on Comey Firing: Trump Thinks He’s ‘Above the Law’

‘I’m concerned about the balance of power in this country’

RUHLE: "Well, last night you tweeted, quote, twilight zone. I was as disappointed and frustrated as anyone as how the Clinton e-mail was handled, but this terrifies me. More specifically, what were your thoughts? When you saw that president Trump — I understand that you’re saying that this is ridiculous, it’s unheard of. Besides being shocked, what specifically were your thoughts when you heard this?"
MOOK: "Well, I’m concerned about the balance of power in this country. And a president who seems to think that he’s above the law. I can’t imagine any other president getting away with this, and I certainly hope that Donald Trump doesn’t either. I was the first one, as we just discussed, I was the first one to criticize James Comey. I was — I thought the way he handled that investigation was not good and there was an investigation in place into his conduct and I was looking forward to seeing the results of that. But the fact of the matter is here, when the president — when the president’s own campaign, his own associates are under investigation, he can’t just let go of not just the leader of the FBI, he’s let go of two other officials within the justice Department who were also investigating this. And that’s why the Congress has to step up here to protect the balance of power in this country and appoint a special prosecutor. We can’t rely on the trump Administration to appoint someone. I have absolutely no confidence that that person will be even-handed or fair in this process. And Congress needs to step up and do their duty under the Constitution. They are one of the three branches of power here, and they are slowly letting the president just run roughshod over our legal system."

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