Glenn Thrush to Spicer: Does Trump ‘Admire’ Totalitarian Leaders Like Putin, Kim Jong Un

‘The president clearly as I’ve said understands the threat that North Korea poses’

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THRUSH: "Sean, two quick, related questions. First of all, you just described Kim Jong-Un as somebody who led his country forward in an early age. The president has invited Duterte as Any pointed out, to talk about assassinating journalists. The president put out a statement after Erdogan won the referendum congratulating him. He said kind things about Putin during the campaign. Said kind things about Sadam Hussein. Does the president have a thing with these totalitarian leaders? Does he admire something the way these guys conduct themselves?"
SPICER: "No, the president clearly as I’ve said understands the threat that North Korea poses. I think someone with the potential nuclear capability to strike another country, potentially our country at some point in the future, is something the president takes very seriously. And so the idea that he is doing everything diplomatically, economically and militarily to consider every way to prevent that threat from taking on the United States —"
THRUSH: "What about the whole package?"
SPICER: "Unfortunately those are the neighbor. Those are the countries in the region that can be helpful to try to prevent the threat that they pose."

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