Samantha Bee: ‘I Just Can’t Take Responsibility for the Way the Election Turned Out’

‘I just absolutely don’t — I can’t’


TAPPER: "Let me ask you a question. Does he have a large — you have address this on your show. So remove yourself from it. Does he have a point about smug liberals? I’m not talking about you. But is there a smug liberal problem?"
BEE: "That’s something that I can’t really — I just can’t take responsibility for the way the election turned out. I just absolutely don’t — I can’t. Is there a smug —"
TAPPER: "You told me not to go Wisconsin."
BEE: "I don’t think there is. I do the show for me and for people like me and I don’t care how the rest of the world sees it quite frankly. That’s great. We make a show for ourselves. We put it out to the world. We birth it and the world receives it how they want to receive it."

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