Meadows on Health Bill: Not ‘Perfect’; ‘It Doesn’t Fully Repeal’ ObamaCare

‘We’re having individual scoring to show how premiums will come down for us’


MEADOWS: "I’m not suggesting that that is uniform. Certainly there are those that have come out and have read it, who made their decision based on their district and they’re going to be a no. I can tell you, we’re just a few votes shy. I’ve got information that I’m trying to get to some of our members today. I know tomorrow Tom MacArthur is doing the same thing, he's done yeoman's work trying to really thread the needle. You’re talking about a waiver. If a governor of New Jersey wants to keep ObamaCare just like it is with the very few exceptions that were in the base bill, they can do that. But a governor of another state, whether it be Texas or Nebraska or Florida, can waive out of some of those things that drive up premiums. It’s the best of both worlds. It’s a compromise. It’s not a perfect bill. It doesn’t fully repeal it. But I can tell you, in talking with the senators in the upper chamber, some dozen or so different senators, there’s some great ideas that are coming there. I’m going to be sharing that with some of the amendments that will be offered in the Senate that will make it better."

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