Tammy Bruce: Refuse Federal Loans to Students Contributing to Violent Campuses

‘Americans tend to not raise children like that’

This story is cross-posted at our consumer site, Grabien News. Watch it there – without audiomarks.


BRUCE: "This is a statement that they view obviously America as the problem. They don’t want to be associated with it and yet I can guarantee you that these are individuals who also have federal loans, federal student loans, who are there probably on state grants and perhaps even on alumni grants as well. And if the nation is so offensive to them, which they argue effectively it is, then perhaps they shouldn’t enjoy federal loans paid for with American tax dollars. So we're looking I think it a group, a generation if you will at this stage now, certainly the millennials that have either not had American history, have had teachers who have indoctrinated them into this dynamic, liberal leftist teachers, or they're individuals who in this instance, the person at UC Davis, a public school, is also a naturalized citizen. And so they’ve come here not to necessarily become a part of America but to punish it. And I think we’re in trouble if this is the next generation as it is in charge of business and the social culture.”

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