Jason Miller: Books Filled with Insider Knowledge of Campaigns Like ‘Shattered’ Are Bad for Political Process

‘I hope they find out who some of the leakers are’


MILLER: "Yes, I do think that we need a post-election postmortem to go through and would love to see what the Clinton camp thought they did right and what they thought they did wrong. But what we're talking about here are these anonymous, off the record sources who are going through and trashing people at a personal level. I don't think that does anything. Now, there is a continued debate that we see in, I think, too many on the Democratic side and too many in the media want the campaign to continue. We see the continued efforts to try to delegitimize the president and, again, I think that -- too many are trying to keep this campaign going. But, look, the president is clearly focused on creating jobs and keeping our country safe. I think he's moved on and that's clearly where his focus has been." 
MILLER: "And so, anyways, I think books like this are terrible and I hope they find out who some of these leakers are and they need to be taken to the wood shed." 

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