Tucker Responds to Fauci: You’re the One Casting Doubt over Vaccines By Telling Americans To Keep on Masking
CARLSON: "Wait a second. Who is doubting that vaccines work? For the record, we never for a minute doubted it. We bought all of that stuff completely at face value. We believe in science, actually kind of probably trust the pharmaceutical companies a little bit too much. So when they said this stuff works, we never questioned it. We assumed they had detailed studies showing that it does work. We still think that. The only reason we are asking the question is because the people in charge are acting like it doesn’t work. You see the President of the United States wearing a mask outside. You see his Vice President doing the same thing. You see the guy in charge of Coronavirus response, the one you just saw, telling us that again, after you have had the vaccine, you must remain under the restrictions. So we are asking a question that is rooted in science, which is: Why? If this stuff works, why can’t you live like it works? What are you really telling us here?”