New Feature Friday: Audio —> Video
Happy New Year, media colleagues!
A couple of new features to announce:
— Grabien users can now convert audio files to video. This can be helpful for embedding clips in articles, and exporting clips to be uploaded to social media. These video files will display a series of images of whoever’s featured in the clip. (Note that users can update these profiles by clicking on the person’s name, and then clicking “Edit this profile.”)
— Grabien users can now track the progress of your clips’ processing. After creating a clip, you’ll now see a progress bar, which updates without having to refresh the page.
— Enterprise users now have a much more detailed breakdown of their account statistics (with clips broken down by type, e.g., LiveClipper, NewsClipper, WebClipper, etc.), which will help keep track of how many credits they have left, views of their content, earnings (if you’re either submitting content to Grabien or syndicating content from Grabien). These stats are available via ACCOUNT → Overview and ACCOUNT → Statistics.
That’s all for now, but stay tuned for more updates coming soon.
Happy Friday,