Introducing Grabien News!


Today we officially launched Grabien News, a free news site for consumers. 

You might be wondering: Isn't Grabien already a news site? Well, not really. 

Grabien was created to help the news industry operate more efficiently. Rather than producers at 1,000s of media outlets creating oftentimes identical news clips, Grabien serves as a third-party producer for the industry at large. Along the way, news consumers found out about Grabien and often complained the site isn't freely accessible -- like other news sites.

Grabien News is our attempt to serve non-professional news consumers. Editors curate content we believe our readers will find informative, entertaining, enraging, and/or enlightening. (Tips are always welcome.)

We're starting out simply: short posts on hot topics, along with a menu of live feeds of whatever's happening at that moment in the news. In the coming weeks and months, you'll also see a number of other unique features. 

In the meantime, take a look, let us know what you think, and, of course, enjoy the original, free content!