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National Report (clip)
Name: NewsmaxTV
National Report
Name: National Report
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05/24/2022 01:32 pm
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RUSH TRANSCRIPT Our news ░░░░░░░░ news update all eyes ░░░░░░░░ be Georgia the state ░░░░░░░░ drugs rather as the ░░░░░░░░ elections are underway and ░░░░░░░░ could be a very ░░░░░░░░ race for governor for ░░░░░░░░ of state for Senate ░░░░░░░░ mean this is this ░░░░░░░░ a big one and ░░░░░░░░ to watch today Yeah ░░░░░░░░ re watching all three ░░░░░░░░ joining us now to ░░░░░░░░ Farmer Republican congressman from ░░░░░░░░ so and our a ░░░░░░░░ member Bob Barr also ░░░░░░░░ that s Democratic strategist ░░░░░░░░ patella alongside distinguished fellow ░░░░░░░░ the American foreign policy ░░░░░░░░ something tank cuts panelists ░░░░░░░░ for coming on this ░░░░░░░░ Election Day Bob Barr ░░░░░░░░ d like to start ░░░░░░░░ you of course with ░░░░░░░░ background representing georgians tell ░░░░░░░░ about we re gonna ░░░░░░░░ through the races really ░░░░░░░░ If we could what ░░░░░░░░ you looking for in ░░░░░░░░ secretary of state race ░░░░░░░░ secretary of states race ░░░░░░░░ really a strange one ░░░░░░░░ you have the incumbent ░░░░░░░░ rations burger really was ░░░░░░░░ up the center of ░░░░░░░░ hurry I of the ░░░░░░░░ so to speak in ░░░░░░░░ 20 twenty and 20 ░░░░░░░░ one elections run off ░░░░░░░░ he appears to be ░░░░░░░░ winning that race Simply ░░░░░░░░ it s one of ░░░░░░░░ positions that the voters ░░░░░░░░ don t seem to ░░░░░░░░ and he s been ░░░░░░░░ to mischaracterize his role ░░░░░░░░ the in the confusion ░░░░░░░░ chaos that ensued as ░░░░░░░░ result of changes that ░░░░░░░░ approved back and 20 ░░░░░░░░ What about for the ░░░░░░░░ Races that more design ░░░░░░░░ The Senate races and ░░░░░░░░ a lot easier to ░░░░░░░░ at Herschel Walker arouse ░░░░░░░░ university of Georgia Heisman ░░░░░░░░ winner is so well ░░░░░░░░ to all georgians and ░░░░░░░░ s been endorsed openly ░░░░░░░░ president from I think ░░░░░░░░ s going to be ░░░░░░░░ impossible for him Not ░░░░░░░░ mean earth in the ░░░░░░░░ The key will be ░░░░░░░░ it does not get ░░░░░░░░ percent bus one and ░░░░░░░░ forestry and or run ░░░░░░░░ that would hurt you ░░░░░░░░ s get to the ░░░░░░░░ s race as well ░░░░░░░░ re in Georgia and ░░░░░░░░ I ll bring you ░░░░░░░░ This is kind of ░░░░░░░░ bigger national roll If ░░░░░░░░ well with this gubernatorial ░░░░░░░░ you ve got camp ░░░░░░░░ got purdue produce a ░░░░░░░░ senator in Georgia he ░░░░░░░░ backed by Trump the ░░░░░░░░ governor governor camp obviously ░░░░░░░░ primary their years back ░░░░░░░░ former wwe Vice President ░░░░░░░░ they are what does ░░░░░░░░ mean for the g ░░░░░░░░ p going forward What ░░░░░░░░ you read out of ░░░░░░░░ when victoria Well it ░░░░░░░░ looks like governor camp ░░░░░░░░ is firmly in the ░░░░░░░░ here and I just ░░░░░░░░ just caution Bob I ░░░░░░░░ from Pennsylvania so you ░░░░░░░░ know What s going ░░░░░░░░ happen we still don ░░░░░░░░ have results from our ░░░░░░░░ race So it s ░░░░░░░░ a toss up in ░░░░░░░░ s well that I ░░░░░░░░ do think of in ░░░░░░░░ is is firmly in ░░░░░░░░ of this guy think ░░░░░░░░ can t right now ░░░░░░░░ s up By several ░░░░░░░░ double digit lead as ░░░░░░░░ well so that when ░░░░░░░░ continue to watch remember ░░░░░░░░ run off again it ░░░░░░░░ possible If they don ░░░░░░░░ get a majority then ░░░░░░░░ have more than fifty ░░░░░░░░ then you re in ░░░░░░░░ run off and David ░░░░░░░░ going to join us ░░░░░░░░ hour of national airport ░░░░░░░░ teams there But rather ░░░░░░░░ ve heard from so ░░░░░░░░ media outlets that the ░░░░░░░░ laws the People that ░░░░░░░░ Georgia was going to ░░░░░░░░ problematic Here s how ░░░░░░░░ media at least some ░░░░░░░░ figures are describing what ░░░░░░░░ re seeing in Georgia ░░░░░░░░ now take a lesson ░░░░░░░░ took acts as a ░░░░░░░░ because of a of ░░░░░░░░ lie but also I ░░░░░░░░ say that they re ░░░░░░░░ it s racism in ░░░░░░░░ and that racism is ░░░░░░░░ right right exactly it ░░░░░░░░ like the lie and ░░░░░░░░ which is a lie ░░░░░░░░ is that these black ░░░░░░░░ that they don t ░░░░░░░░ to access it to ░░░░░░░░ in the way the ░░░░░░░░ Americans do that they ░░░░░░░░ t worked for it ░░░░░░░░ they don t they ░░░░░░░░ t understand Sort of ░░░░░░░░ weight of American democracy ░░░░░░░░ as a result we ░░░░░░░░ to make decisions for ░░░░░░░░ Clearly one political pundits ░░░░░░░░ on MSNBC but if ░░░░░░░░ take a look at ░░░░░░░░ facts this has to ░░░░░░░░ with early voting turnout ░░░░░░░░ s actually up one ░░░░░░░░ sixty eight percent from ░░░░░░░░ 18 two hundred 11 ░░░░░░░░ from 20 twenty overall ░░░░░░░░ than eight hundred thousand ░░░░░░░░ votes have already been ░░░░░░░░ robber What s the ░░░░░░░░ with this Are these ░░░░░░░░ laws racist If we ░░░░░░░░ seen such high turnout ░░░░░░░░ of equally do give ░░░░░░░░ each we to the ░░░░░░░░ full disclosure bilbo vini ░░░░░░░░ woods and see For ░░░░░░░░ organizations is the beat ░░░░░░░░ do applause voters It ░░░░░░░░ local what the new ░░░░░░░░ or encouraging people to ░░░░░░░░ Only building codes you ░░░░░░░░ to make sure the ░░░░░░░░ builds a bait and ░░░░░░░░ not to wait till ░░░░░░░░ looked in the not ░░░░░░░░ the pilgrim absentee bills ░░░░░░░░ we know little will ░░░░░░░░ challenge Who flipped to ░░░░░░░░ much of the poli ░░░░░░░░ do have a schism ░░░░░░░░ the Republican Party right ░░░░░░░░ between the Republicans who ░░░░░░░░ to system the world ░░░░░░░░ reality that rest of ░░░░░░░░ will be of the ░░░░░░░░ who were working on ░░░░░░░░ fringes So you have ░░░░░░░░ are Herschel Walker running ░░░░░░░░ questing evolution last week ░░░░░░░░ it motivates people to ░░░░░░░░ out and vote We ░░░░░░░░ people like David Perdue ░░░░░░░░ who told things the ░░░░░░░░ of feel like being ░░░░░░░░ your goal but the ░░░░░░░░ you came from that ░░░░░░░░ people to get up ░░░░░░░░ in vote early So ░░░░░░░░ is why you re ░░░░░░░░ these numbers took up ░░░░░░░░ people are responding to ░░░░░░░░ realities exist final thoughts ░░░░░░░░ final thoughts their out ░░░░░░░░ victoria coats on this ░░░░░░░░ if I can t ░░░░░░░░ the Washington Post is ░░░░░░░░ walk this back saying ░░░░░░░░ this new election integrity ░░░░░░░░ that was installed it ░░░░░░░░ not cause any suppression ░░░░░░░░ they re coming out ░░░░░░░░ of various reasons I ░░░░░░░░ their candidate for this ░░░░░░░░ bottom line Voters are ░░░░░░░░ easy that the the ░░░░░░░░ box very easily accessible ░░░░░░░░ again as you see ░░░░░░░░ here voting is surging ░░░░░░░░ Georgia Despite controversial new ░░░░░░░░ law that s not ░░░░░░░░ examiner That s a ░░░░░░░░ Post final thoughts their ░░░░░░░░ victoria and close out ░░░░░░░░ I think I think ░░░░░░░░ voters of Georgia perhaps ░░░░░░░░ competent than Stacey Abrams ░░░░░░░░ they are and they ░░░░░░░░ voting on the issues ░░░░░░░░ are important to that ░░░░░░░░ gets back to the ░░░░░░░░ s race It doesn ░░░░░░░░ particularly matter so much ░░░░░░░░ national politicians say that ░░░░░░░░ when a vote on ░░░░░░░░ their issues I think ░░░░░░░░ s what you re ░░░░░░░░ in the turn out ░░░░░░░░ they ve all got ░░░░░░░░ chance to do so ░░░░░░░░ if they haven t ░░░░░░░░ cast their ballots that ░░░░░░░░ Robert patella And they ░░░░░░░░ and cats Thank you ░░░░░░░░ Championship conversation coming up ░░░░░░░░ on national reporter going ░░░░░░░░ join live by George ░░░░░░░░ candidate for governor in ░░░░░░░░ senator David Perdue He ░░░░░░░░ the backing of President ░░░░░░░░ Will it be enough ░░░░░░░░ of questions here for ░░░░░░░░ senator will have a ░░░░░░░░ You re on the ░░░░░░░░ and need news
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