CNN’s David Chalian: Both Trump and Biden Campaigns Made Calculation That a Debate Is in Their Interest
CHALIAN: “Yeah. Clearly, we have seen each campaign, Jake, make the calculation a debate is in their interest. One, on the Biden side, as Jeff just laid out, because you don‘t want to be dogged that you‘re afraid to debate. And for Donald Trump, he is eager for the contrast on the stage physically side-by-side, as we know, throughout this entire campaign, he‘s made that clear, to stand on the stage with Joe Biden. I would just say, because of the stability of the race, there really is a potential for this to be a major shaking up kind of event. It’s also got massive historical significance, Jake. I mean, you and I were not around for those televised debates in 1892, but we haven‘t seen a former president of the United States, who was defeated as president, debate the guy who succeeded him as president on the stage together in a televised debate. It‘s just a totally unprecedented situation, so much of this election could be described that way.”