Aaron Rodgers Tells Tucker Carlson that the U.S. Government Confiscated Pat Tillman’s Journal and Used His Death to ‘Prop Up the War Propaganda’ in 2004
RODGERS: “My grandfather, though he — you know, I didn’t get to know him that well, but I do know that he always questioned and believed that — that Roosevelt knew about the Japanese coming. And that always stuck with him because he — you know, he was super patriotic. And another one of my heroes, Pat Tillman, who left the NFL to join the army, you know, his death is very suspicious as well, in that — not the fact, we know that he was killed by friendly fire, but the way they handled his body afterwards, his uniform, confiscating his last journal, using his death to prop up the war propaganda. There’s been a lot of great people in history who’re super patriotic, who have question their government. And I think that’s what I’ve — I’ve done since — you know, since I was — since I was a kid.”