Susan Rice Admits Unmasking Trump Officials, Denies Political Purposes

‘I leaked nothing to nobody and never have and never would’

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MITCHELL: “Within that process, and within the context of the Trump campaign, the Trump transition, did you seek the names of people involved in — to unmask the names of people involved in the Trump transition, the Trump campaign, people surrounding the President-elect in order to spy on them and expose them.”
RICE: “Absolutely not for any political purposes, to spy, expose, anything.“
MITCHELL: “Did you leak the name of Mike Flynn?”
RICE: “I leaked nothing to nobody and never have and never would. Let me explain this. First of all, Andrea, to talk about the contents of a classified report, to talk about the individuals on the foreign side who were the targets of the report itself, or any Americans who may have been collected upon incidentally is to disclose classified information. I'm not going to do that."

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