ABC News Unsuccessfully Attempts Entrapping Americans in Racist Incidents

‘What Would You Do?’ attempts framing bystanders in bigoted encounters

ABC Trolling For Racist, Bigoted Americans Mostly Falls Flat...Again (Newsbusters)

The June 14 episode of ABC’s What Would You Do again trolled for the archetypal intolerant conservative American that are supposedly around every bend in two outrageous segments concerning a gay Boy Scout and a racist deli shop customer.  The show, which uses actors to play out outrageous scenarios to see how unsuspecting passers-by react, hosted the gay Boy Scout scenario at a roadside steakhouse in Texas.  This is similar to a similar sting video last week which had a gay basketball player come out to his coach and teammates.

What better setting --  if you're a liberal news producer from Manhattan -- to stage this incident being that the state is known for the Lawrence v. Texas Supreme Court decision on sodomy laws and that it's a reliably red state, producing both Presidents Bush as well as Sen. Ted Cruz and Gov. Rick Perry, liberal media bogeymen all.

Three actors, “Anthony, Matthew, and Tony” portrayed Boy Scouts.  One of them, Matthew, comes out as gay to the group.   Needless to say, his two friends offer disparaging remarks, but the fishing expedition for bigots falls flat as the patrons at the restaurant are supportive of Nathan.  They may be disapproving or ambivalent about homosexuality, but offer words of compassion to the young actor.  It seems John Quinones didn’t find the anti-gay, Westboro Baptist Church types he may have been searching for.

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