Lieberman Says DeVos Is ‘Ready to Take on this Assignment and Do It Very Well’

‘She is really a purpose driven team builder’


LIEBERMAN: "I became a member of the board of American federation for children, the nonprofit organization that Betsy DeVos founded to provide better education options for lower income children throughout America. I'm very proud of what the afc has achieved, particularly at the state level. More than 400,000 lower income families have been empowered with financial support to take their children out of schools where they thought the kids were not getting an adequate education and put them into schools that they thought were better. For me, as a Democrat, it is especially gratifying that many of these afc state programs have been enacted with bipartisan support gratifying that many of these in state legislatures. None of the progress by which the afc has achieved, very specifically for those 400,000 kids, would have occurred without Betsy's leadership which is inclusive. She is disciplined, organized, knows how to set goals and develop practical plans. She is really a purpose driven team builder. I have seen that in my membership of the board of the afc. I understand the department of education is bigger than anything she, or for that matter, most any of us hasever led. Everything I have seen tells me that Betsy is ready to take on this assignment and do it very well." 

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