Rubio Praises Carson: ‘I Am Hopeful This Nation Will Soon Entrust Him’ to Run HUD

‘HUD needs a leader who knows how to overcome tough obstacles’


RUBIO: "Dr. Carson believes this not because he read about in a book or in a magazine or because he  watched some documentary on PBS, he believes it  because he has lived it and that cannot be easily replicated. He has the values, the compassion and the character and the kind of drive  that we need. He's a proven leader, a doer and solving tough problems and doing things that are hard and that people believe to be impossible. Throughout his life, people have put their hopes and literally their lives in his hands. And from everything I've seen from him firsthand and gotten to know about him, I'm hopeful that this nation will soon entrust him with the duty of serving as the secretary of HUD."

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