Priebus: Trump Would Accept CIA Take on Hacking If Were in a Report, Not Leaked to WaPo

‘If there is this conclusive opinion among all of these intelligence agencies, then they should issue a report or they should stand in front of a camera and make the case’


PRIEBUS: "If there is this conclusive opinion among all of these intelligence agencies, then they should issue a report or they should stand in front of a camera and make the case. But that all being said, let’s put that aside for a second.  I think the real question is, why the Democrats and why these electors and why and all of these organizations are doing everything they can to delegitimize the outcome of the election? I mean, they started out with a recount in states that they didn’t move the dial anywhere.  In fact, President-elect Trump received more votes after that was done.  Then they went after this Diebold fiasco, which was proven to be totally untrue.  Now, they’re demanding —"  
PRIEBUS: "Right.  Now, they’re going forward tomorrow with this attempt to intimidate and harass electors.  I mean, we’ve got electors that are receiving 200,000 e-mails.  Nothing is going to change."  
WALLACE: "But, Reince, I’m going to get to that on the electors.  I’m asking you a simple question.  Does the president-elect accept the consensus — and that’s what John Brennan said it was — the consensus of the intel community about Russian interference and its intent?" 
PRIEBUS: "I think he would accept the conclusion if these intelligence professionals would get together, put out a report, show the American people that they’re actually on the same page as opposed to third parties through The Washington Post."

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